Prompt-Based Interviews
Prompt-based interview is a type of interview conducted by some universities, including Seoul National University, Korea University, Yonsei University, and Sejong University, as well as some medical schools. It mainly evaluates the analytical ability, reasoning ability, perspective, and attitude of the interviewee on the given topic. In the waiting room for the interview, students are given the prompt and the problem related to it, and they have to read the prompt for 10-30 minutes and prepare answers to the problem. After that, they answer the questions in the interview room by speaking. It is mainly composed of problems that evaluate academic ability and suitability for major (field), and focuses on evaluating the process of solving problems by applying the curriculum.
To prepare for the prompt-based interview, it is important for humanities and social science applicants to cultivate their understanding of the prompt and critical thinking skills about the topic through steady reading activities. Natural science applicants must have a deep understanding of mathematics and science subjects. In the case of prompt-based interviews, there are pre-learning impact assessment reports on the admission homepage of each university, and some education offices recruit local students to make them, so you can refer to them.
Effective Interview Preparation Methods
Prompt-based interviews are composed of questions designed to comprehensively evaluate the applicant's academic and major competencies, logical thinking ability, and problem-solving ability. To prepare for the prompt interview, an analysis of past questions is required. Each university publishes pre-learning impact assessment reports and past questions on the admission homepage, and presents the intention of the question, scoring criteria, and model answers. Therefore, it is necessary to solve past questions based on this content, understand the intention of the question and the key points, and practice writing answers directly. In the case of prompt-based interviews, you should be able to logically explain the question after understanding the prompt and accurately grasping the topic. Since the time given to read the prompt and prepare for the answer is not long, it is a good idea to take notes of important keywords and your thoughts while reading the prompt. When answering questions, it is a good idea to first state the key point you want to say. If you refer to the interview case video announced by the university you are applying for, you can get a lot of help in preparation.
Representative universities that conduct prompt-based interviews include Seoul National University General Admissions, Yonsei University Recommendation, Korea International University Opportunity Balance, Activity Excellence Type, Korea University Academic Excellence Type, Field Suitability Type, Equal Opportunity Type, Sejong University Creative Talent Type (Interview Type), and Creative Soft Department (Design Innovation Major, Cartoon Animation Major), etc. At Seoul National University, the prompt interview evaluates comprehensive thinking ability, not fragmentary knowledge, based on understanding of basic concepts in the curriculum. Based on the given prompt, question, and main question, it comprehensively evaluates problem-solving ability and logical and creative thinking ability. In the case of general admissions with prompt-based interviews, the interview and oral examination are reflected by 50% in the second stage.
Yonsei University conducts a non-face-to-face recording interview, where the applicant conducts the interview while watching his or her own appearance. If you are a first-time student, you can naturally be more nervous, so you need to practice recording interviews to apply. International types may have prompts in English. Activity Excellence Type and International Type evaluate the applicant's academic and career competencies required for university mathematics based on the prompt. From this year, Opportunity Balance evaluates logical thinking ability and communication ability based on the prompt.
In the case of prompt-based interviews, the prompt and corresponding questions are provided to first-stage passers, and they are given time to prepare answers. The applicant should analyze the provided data accurately and construct an answer with logical evidence. The applicant should clearly recognize that the interview is a 'prompt-based' interview and should construct an answer based on the content mentioned in the prompt. You can prepare for the interview by referring to the pre-learning impact assessment report on the admission homepage. It contains various contents related to various types of tests related to the interview skills of the previous year, including technical problems in the previous year's interview.
Korea University evaluates the applicant's analytical ability, applicability, comprehensive thinking ability, etc. based on their answers. However, if necessary, they can check the information listed in the student affairs office. In the academic excellence type, the interview is reflected by 30% in the second stage, and in the field suitability type, the interview is reflected by 50% in the second stage.
Sejong University conducts prompt-based interviews for creative talent type (interview type), creative soft department (design innovation major, cartoon animation major). They evaluate the truthfulness of the submitted documents and the applicant's career ability, creative convergence ability, and community ability through the applicant's presentation content and the question and answer session linked to the document evaluation. Sejong University gives 40 minutes to prepare a presentation material related to major suitability and requires the applicant to write it using a pencil on the form provided by the university. The presentation topic is presented on the day of the interview, and the interview is conducted as a one-to-many interview where multiple interviewers evaluate one applicant. The applicant should answer questions for about 3-5 minutes based on the material prepared during the interview preparation time.