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Psychological approaches to improve your grades

by teri-briggs 2023. 11. 19.

Identify the main points, organize, be patient

To take a specific course and get the most out of it, you need to do something that challenges yourself. And you need to do it in the right way to get the best results. Otherwise, it means you have to work harder. If you miss that moment, your brain will persuade you with a rational reason for something you don't want to do and make you hate studying.

The mind does not work like a video camera that records everything that happens around us and provides accurate information. To acquire and retain new information, you need to actively engage in activities that make you remember, such as reviewing, interpreting, and testing yourself. This may be difficult for students who are new to this activity or who are not good at it. It is difficult because they have not done it before and cannot easily approach it actively, not because it is really difficult.

If you overcome this, you will be able to approach it easily and develop your brain into one that can do it repeatedly. The brain gradually improves itself. In fact, psychologists call this desirable difficulty. Psychologists advise you to do the following to overcome this desirable difficulty.

Review & Interpret

An active way of remembering is to review. It is to repeat the information you need to learn to yourself. Simple repetition can also help, but you can acquire information more effectively when you think about the meaning of the information and its importance.

In fact, if you think deeply enough about what you want to remember, you don't need to make an effort to remember, and the reflection itself will remain as a memory. It is much easier to remember new information when you associate it with what you already know.

When you study, don't just be faithful to the input, but ask yourself critical thinking questions about what you need to remember. As a result of this activity, people will remember the information that was induced by the questions in the storage space of memory.


Think and review the information you acquired in the classroom regularly. Start right after the class is over. And try to have regular 'boosting' opportunities. To do this, it is enough to just look at the front and think about it when you review. Don't wait until the last moment to review all at once. Even a brief glance will summon the information from your memory, and it will make you feel good and make studying fun.

Repeating the review will make you feel good and have the effect of making studying fun. Even though the mind is in a state of not wanting to study, the brain naturally wants to study. By this active brain activity, you can make yourself want to study and lead to improved grades.


Don't just read the lecture notes or textbooks. Test yourself on the content as often as possible. Actively testing the acquired information helps you remember more later than just reading it once. This is a repetition of 1 and 2, and it goes one step further. Doing this self-test prevents you from falling into a common trap.

You may think that you have learned after reviewing the material several times and becoming familiar with it, but being familiar does not necessarily mean that you can get the score you want on the test. Being familiar does not mean that you have studied enough to do well on the test.

Testing yourself will warn you that you need to study more even when the information is familiar. By doing this self-questioning, self-testing, you will have the effect of making your memory more secure, and this will make your brain successful and activate your brain.

Psychological approaches to improve your grades
