Since the comprehensive evaluation of student records is a type of evaluation based on records, it is necessary to use even the final time. The basic application for college admission through rolling admission is the comprehensive evaluation of student life records. Even in the case of applying for admission to a school life record course or regular admission, there are universities that evaluate courses or reflect comprehensive evaluations, so it is essential to prepare for elective subjects and document preparation. Even if many students do not prepare for the school life record comprehensive evaluation and apply for admission to a course or regular admission, when it comes to the submission of a rolling admission application, there is a tendency to apply for the comprehensive evaluation of the school life record. The comprehensive evaluation of school life records is a type of selection that selects students who have cultivated various competencies required by future society through school life, not just students with good test scores. However, since it is evaluated by the comprehensive evaluation of school life records, which is a qualitative evaluation, it is necessary to know the evaluation method accurately to obtain good results. Admission officials evaluate students based on clear and consistent criteria and evaluate students through a certain process.
If you know the student evaluation system shared only among admission officials, everyone will agree. If there are several students with similar competencies, the student who has prepared for the comprehensive evaluation of the school life record according to the evaluation system of the admission official and the comparison with the comprehensive evaluation will receive a good evaluation. Therefore, if you want to succeed in the comprehensive evaluation of school life records, the best strategy is to understand the evaluation system accurately and develop the necessary competencies. When evaluating students, full-time admission officials at universities generally follow a four-step procedure introduced below. The first step is to understand the applicant's tendencies, and the second is to evaluate the student's competencies through submitted documents. The third step is to verify that the evaluation results are correct. The last step is to go through a consultation process with the commissioning official regarding student evaluation. After going through these four steps, the final decision on whether the student is admitted or not is made. Most universities evaluate documents in a similar way, although the evaluation items may differ. Let's keep in mind that the process of selecting excellent students is similar, even if the evaluation items are different, and manage student affairs accordingly.
Evaluation process of admission officials
Do you want to know more about the student evaluation and selection process of admission officials? To do this, you need to know what empirical knowledge admission officials have. This is because the qualitative evaluation of the comprehensive evaluation of school life records is the key here. Before the interview, when selecting three times as many people as the black for five times, the admission official uses as much empirical knowledge as possible in addition to the professional knowledge he or she has. Empirical knowledge is the second eye that admission officials have acquired over a long period of time in student selection work. The ability to discover and interpret clues that show the excellence of competencies among similar applicants' application materials all comes from empirical knowledge. An interesting fact is that admission officials' empirical knowledge does not show much difference from person to person. This is because most of them have accumulated similar experiences in evaluating and selecting students. Therefore, even if the admission official changes, there are not many cases where the judgment and interpretation of the student change.
The four-step comprehensive evaluation of school life records document evaluation process is a concise summary of the evaluation system that most university admission officials follow when selecting comprehensive evaluation. Of course, in actual evaluation, some procedures may be omitted or added, taking into account the characteristics of the student, environmental factors, and major characteristics.
Start with the distribution of course grades
What is the first thing an admission official does when a student's application for the same department is piled up in front of him? It is to check the distribution of course grades for all students. Course grades are an indicator that shows not only the student's academic ability but also how diligent and active the student was in academics and school life. Note that it is to check the distribution of grades, not to evaluate grades.
Evaluation of school life records
The second step is to evaluate the student through the documents submitted by the student. Set up each application material to select the student at a glance. And check the course grades. The criteria for evaluating course grades are very advanced. First, how much is the course grade on average compared to other applicants? Second, did you maintain your grades by semester and grade from 1st to 3rd grade? Third, what about the subject grades that show basic academic competencies such as Korean, mathematics, English, social studies, and science? Fourth, how many subjects related to the applied major have been completed? Fifth, what is the grade of the subject related to the applied major and other subjects? Sixth, how many students have completed each subject? Seventh, what is the score other than the grade for each subject? etc. After completing this process, the student's evaluation grade is given for the intellectual area. After the grade confirmation process is completed, the student's comprehensive evaluation is carried out through the student's career aspirations, awards, details, and behavioral development. While reading the student affairs, find evaluation points, and if there are major clues that can be used as a reference for evaluation, take notes or check them. Next, read questions 1-2 and check if the information in the school life record is correct. After checking the school life record, the student's suitability and personality comprehensive evaluation area evaluation grade is given according to the results.
Re-evaluation of document evaluation
In the third step, we check whether the evaluation process has been correctly followed so far. The first thing to do to check if there are no errors in the evaluation is to check the comprehensive ranking of document evaluations for all applicants. Then, the evaluation results of the student who entered the final selection range are checked again. While reviewing the previously checked items and notes, etc., it is examined whether it is reasonable to select the student among all applicants.
Final selection after consultation with the commissioning official
In the last fourth step, a consensus process is carried out with the commissioning official who is a professor in the relevant department regarding student evaluation. The previous official explains the direction and main points of the evaluation to the commissioning official and guides the unusual points in the evaluation results. If there is no objection from the commissioning official, the final selection is confirmed.
Evaluation factors of top-tier universities' documents
If you are preparing for the comprehensive evaluation of school life records, you should check what universities evaluate through school life records. It is important to find out how the university you want to apply to evaluates applicants and which university is suitable for you and where you can take advantage of your strengths.
Evaluation factors differ by university
The evaluation factors of the comprehensive evaluation of student life records are divided into four categories: 'academic ability,' 'major (field) suitability,' 'potential for development,' and 'personality,' although the names may vary slightly depending on the university. However, since the way each university uses evaluation factors is different and the criteria are not applied to all universities, it is necessary to check the evaluation factors and evaluation methods of each university in advance and establish a strategy that is advantageous to oneself. Five universities, including Konkuk University, Kyung Hee University, Yonsei University, Chung-Ang University, and Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, have restructured the common document evaluation factors and evaluation items of the comprehensive evaluation of school life records through joint research. This is a measure that reflects changes in the educational environment, such as the reduction of the comprehensive evaluation of school life records and the full implementation of the 2015 revised curriculum and the future introduction of the high school credit system.
The existing evaluation factors, 'academic ability,' 'major suitability,' 'personality,' and 'potential for development,' were revised into three competency-centered evaluation factors: 'academic ability,' 'career competency,' and 'community competency.' These universities use these three competencies in the actual evaluation of the comprehensive evaluation of school life records in the 2024 academic year. Some universities use evaluation factors that include a broad concept instead of major suitability. Korea University evaluates 'self-development competency' as an evaluation factor and evaluates 'the ability to grow in the field of interest' through related competencies, research competencies, and other factors. Sungkyunkwan University evaluates 'personal competency' including major suitability and activity diversity. Ewha Womans University evaluates knowledge exploration competency, creative convergence competency, and coexistence empathy competency in addition to academic competency and potential for development.
The most important evaluation factor is academic competency
If you look at the document evaluation factors of the comprehensive evaluation of school life records for the 2024 academic year based on the recruitment guidelines announced by 15 universities, the evaluation factors used by all universities are competencies related to academics. Universities want to check whether applicants have fulfilled high school education and whether they have the basic academic ability to study at the university based on this.
How to evaluate major (field) related competencies
Many universities use competencies related to major (field) as one of the important evaluation factors, but some universities do not. Competencies related to major (field) are not listed in the document evaluation factors of Sogang University, Seoul National University, Seoul City University, Ewha Womans University, and Hanyang University. However, even if there is no separate evaluation factor for major suitability, there are cases where the academic achievement level or activities related to the applied major field are evaluated and included in academic competency and potential for development, so you need to carefully examine the detailed evaluation contents. Seoul National University states that it comprehensively evaluates 'academic ability, self-directed academic attitude, interest in the major field, intellectual curiosity, etc. to evaluate the potential to develop into a creative talent' in the document evaluation, and recommends courses by recruitment unit, so it is difficult to say that it does not consider major suitability at all.
Seoul City University also evaluates the performance of learning experiences and educational activities related to exploring careers and major fields through 'basic university major competency' in the academic competency evaluation item, and evaluates the experience and activity performance of exploring problems directly or indirectly related to the major in the potential competency. In addition, in the comprehensive evaluation of school life records, major suitability plays an important role, such as presenting a separate talent for each recruitment unit that matches the talent profile and making it a qualification for applicants. Ewha Womans University reflects the status of completion and achievement of related courses and competencies related to major (field) in the detailed evaluation contents of academic competency. Since there is a uniform part in the evaluation of major (field) suitability, it is appropriate to understand it as a university's own measure. In addition, there are many cases where students who change their majors in the middle are worried about the deduction factors, so it can be understood as a means to alleviate them. The important thing is the attitude and approach of the student to academics. This is because it is possible to evaluate even if major (field) suitability is not indicated separately.