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Analysis of trends by application for the 2024 College Scholastic Ability Test Despite the decrease in school-age population, the competition rate for top universities is increasing The early admission application for the 2024 academic year was closed on September 15th. As expected, almost all universities in the top tier saw an increase in competition rates. While Korea University and Dongguk University were the only universities to decline, the rest of the universities i.. 2023. 11. 21.
Career exploration for biotechnology researchers Overview of the Biologist Profession Biologists study the origin, development, anatomy, functional relationships, and other principles of all forms of life. They are dedicated to developing advanced biotechnology such as bio-pharmaceuticals, bio-energy, and neuroscience, which will increase future national competitiveness and become the center of development. In particular, there is a strong nee.. 2023. 11. 21.
University Entrance Exam Applicant Psychology and College Application Strategies Regular Exam Application Strategy for University Entrance Exam The core of the regular test application success strategy is to find the most efficient combination strategy through the three books of the ga group, na group, and da group, which determines the success of the entrance exam. That part is the "application area for the university scholastic ability test 6th session, which can be called.. 2023. 11. 20.
Introduction to Economic Research Institute What Economic Research Institute does The Economic Research Institute performs various research activities using political science expertise, and basically develops concepts, theories, and operational techniques for economics, and conducts surveys and analyses on various issues, and writes academic papers and reports. The Economic Research Institute mainly grasps, analyzes, and forecasts the dom.. 2023. 11. 20.